Week Eleven: Asterios Polyp. by David Mazzucchelli

Immediately, the first thing that caught my eye when opening up David Mazzucchelli's Asterios Polyp. was the style of the graphics. It was so intriguing to me because it resembled an Art Deco, retro-like style. The colors throughout the graphic novel were very cohesive and appealing to the eye. Characteristics like this make it easier and more enjoyable for me to read. It almost seemed like there was more thought and time put into the printing of the graphic novel than the story-line itself.

The story itself was entertaining and fun to read. Although the panels were busy, I did not mind back-tracking and re-reading things I felt I missed to ensure I knew what was going on. On a more personal level, I related entirely to Asterio's career as an architect because I am an interior design student. It was honestly refreshing to be in a liberal arts class and touch on something that has to do with my specific major. I was seriously cracking up during the scenes of Asterios in the office dictating others when they were space planing and designing. One thing Asterios said was "there are just two things you need to fix here; the exterior and the interior," seriously; hilarious.

One thing that confused me throughout the story was what was the past and what was the present for Asterios. In one panel he was suited up, clean, and confident while in others he looked dirty, homeless and miserable. I think that this is a graphic novel that needs to be entirely re-read a couple times to fully grasp the vibe of the story.


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