Week One: Max Ernst A Week of Kindness or The Seven Deadly Elements

The first page in Thursday seems to be a woman sparing with a rooster on the streets. She seems to be more stressed than the rooster.

The second page is a totally different scene including that same rooster. However, it appears that the woman from the previous page is now dead, as she is laying on a table with the rooster and what seems to be a human sized rooster looking over her.

In the third page it is now clear that the woman is indeed dead, as she is laying in a casket in the ground. I am not entirely sure whats going on to be honest but there are now two human sized roosters looking over her along with a nude woman.

In the fourth page the woman who is dead is now nude. The two human sized roosters seemed to have unclothed the dead woman and have taken whatever possessions the dead woman had on her body.

In the fifth page there is a new human rooster that seems to have just burst in the door with excitement that the woman was dead. There are now normal sized roosters in the scene, which I do not understand why since they were human sized in the previous few scenes.

The sixth page includes two humans, women to be exact, who are in a room that seems to be barricaded by a wardrobe chest blocking the door. A human sized rooster is breaking in the barricaded door, it is unclear that the woman in the room notice the human sized rooster, as they are not looking in its direction and seems to be free in their movements like they are dancing?

The seventh page seems to be a meeting of some sort between a human sized rooster and two woman in an office. The woman sitting closest to the rooster human is in distress, as her head is in her hands.

The eighth page immediately reminded me of the sixth page as two woman are in a room hiding from the human sized rooster who seems to be in search of the woman as it is creeping past the room quietly with a serious look on its face. They woman appear scared of the rooster, as they are pushed up against the wall trying to appear invisible. Another indication of fear is the lit candle that has fallen on the ground, which I can assume one of the women had dropped. In my eyes, this page confirms that these human sized roosters are truly up to no good.

I can conclude this work is ultimately surrealism, as it is so unrealistic that there would be human sized roosters and that they would have the strength and mental tools to murder a woman. I honestly could not clearly translate the story other than focusing on the idea of fear. It was clear that the woman were in fear of the human sized roosters after depicting each page.


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